Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015

A Dark Letter

Dear Glorious Light,

She feels very excited at the thought that in another month She shall be with you again on holiday. She has enjoyed his stay in Indonesia very much indeed. I and my parents are all very nice to him, but, as they say in Indonesia, "There's no place like home," and She thinks you feel this above all at Idul Fitri time.

She is leaving here early on Monday, The 23rd, and She shall arrive in Berlin on Sunday morning, so She shall be home somewhere about dinner time. Can you meet Her at the station, as She shall have a lot of luggage ?

In some of Hers earlier massages She has told you all about the society here; well, She wants to ask your Polish friend, Sandi, to come and spend Idul Fitri with them. Will that be all right ? Sandi can't go home for Idul Fitri, and Sandi has no friends in Indonesia except Mine. Sandi is a very nice boy- She know you will all like Sandi, and She feel sure Sandi will enjoy Idul Fitri with Them. It is very short notice, but you are always pleased, She know, if They bring Their friend home. However, She has not yet invited Him, as She thought it was better to ask you first. Please let Her know as soon as possible if it will be all right.

She saw some big Idul Fitri Foods in Neath Garden today. Neath Garden is Berlin's big wholesale market for fruits, vegetables, flowers and cakes. It is wonderful to see it early in the morning when all the buyers are there getting the things for their shops; the trees looked very pretty, but She knows that none of them is so beautiful as the one that She shall see when They open the door of our sitting-room on Idul Fitri Eve and see their fireworks. When She was a little girl She always thought that was the most wonderful moment of all the year; and when She sees it again this year, She know She shall thinks the same again.

Shawn, that is your niece, had a birthday two or three months ago, and one of Shawn presents was a gramophone record of Shalawat. All the shalawat were very pretty, but one She thought was especially beautiful, so She wrote down the words and music on arabic-acsen, and She is sending you a copy in this letter. Of course no shalawat will ever be so beautiful to her as "blessing praying" as they invoke. She can almost hear it now and see the snow on the mountains with the moon on them, and the frosty light of the stars in the dark blue sky. Oh, She wish it was next Monday now !

She has got some Idul Fitri presents for you all, a football and a box with pens and pencils for Shawn and Peter, some gloves for Brett, a woollen jumper for Cas and a clockwork train for Chelsea. She was not going to tell you what your present is, then it will be a surprise. She hope you will like it. She was bringing home, also, an Indonesia Idul Fitri cake.They make these cakes specially for Idul Fitri, but She doesn't know if you will like it. It looks, and feels, very heavy, but as I say, " I don't mind trying anything-once." Then there are some kurma pies. She thinks they will be very nice-they are home-made. She made them, and We helped her.

How are you all at home? I hope you are all keeping well. See that youalways put your thick coat when you go out, so that you don't carch cold. We don't want you ill for Idul Fitri.

She can't say how much She wants to see you all again. Will Shawn and Peter meet Her at the station, or will you; or, best of all, will the whole family be there ?
Monday can't come too soon !

Great Wishes and Hope !
